
Let’s face it: The groove we fall into at work can often be less than perfect. When you’re spending more than 40 hours a week at the office, it’s no wonder you’ve developed and overlooked some of your negative workplace habits.

While you may not be the notoriously annoying employee at your company—think of the nameless person who constantly steals people’s food from the company refrigerator—there are still habits you may have that are interfering with your work relationships and leadership abilities.

You don’t want to annoy your coworkers, manager, CEO, clients, or customers. Even if you’re not anyone’s direct supervisor, thoughtfully considering how your leadership skills are faring will help stomp out bad workplace habits before they get out of control.

Here are 10 things you need to quit doing at work:

1. Using negativity as a crutch. Look, everyone has bad days. But when your off days turn into weeks, months, or even entire seasons, it’s time to take a look at what’s going on in your personal and professional life. Having a critical approach to the way you do things at work or as a manager is sometimes necessary, but this shouldn’t be confused with outright negativity. No one wants to work for someone who’s always raining on the parade or focusing on how miserable they feel.

Put an end to your focus on negativity by remembering your brain is hardwired to see the negative side of situations. Go beyond focusing on the negatives and really consider what’s getting you down on the job. It may be time for a new job, role, team, or even career change.

2. Refusing to take breaks. I hate to break it to you fellow productivity-addicts, but your avoidance of breaks can be damaging your work and your attitude. By scheduling more than just a lunch break during your work day, you’ll be able to clear your head and come back to your pile of work refreshed and engaged. Productivity and project management expert Tony Wong suggests meditating, exercising, going for a walk, or even eating a snack.

3. Living in your inbox. Email addiction is an all-too-real part of being a modern professional. It’s not only anxiety-inducing, it’s also damaging your efficiency and overall connection to your work. Schedule certain times to check your inbox and take advantage of labels and filters. You can also make a point to respond only to emails that take two minutes or less and spend more time actually talking to your contacts on the phone.

4. Participating in office politics. Research shows having friends at work is essential to overall productivity and engagement, but not if you’re busy gossiping with them. In fact, there’s no faster way to kick down your leadership abilities than willingly participating in office politics. As a rule, avoid it at all costs. When gossip arises, focus on switching the conversation to something more neutral. If you need to rant or air grievances, call a friend who doesn’t work at your company.

5. Being too money-focused. If you’re only in it for the money, it’s going to show. There are far too many professionals out there who lack passion for what they do. It’s time to step away from looking at your job as way to pay the bills and truly focus on what you’re passionate about. Focus on how you can do more in your role and for your company overall. Not only will you be happier, you’re actually likely to make more money with a passionate attitude.

6. Ignoring your talents. Today, having a unique talent or expert level of knowledge is worth more than in years past. While you may be focused on building your personal brand outside of the office via blogging, speaking or social media, why not offer your untapped talents to your employer? If there’s something you’re talented at and not currently doing at your job, reach out to your manager to offer a solution—and your expert knowledge.

7. Living the 9-to-5 mentality. This once again goes back to passion. If you’re dragging yourself to work in the morning and rushing out the door as soon as 5 p.m. rolls around, it’s safe to say you’re probably not going the extra mile at your job. Truly dedicated employees aren’t focused on the hours they work but how well they accomplish tasks and meet goals.

8. Comparing yourself to others. A little bit of competition can move mountains, but it’s time to stop being so worried about what others are doing. We live in an age when only the most brag-worthy information filters through from our connections. Remember, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on yourself will bring more results than constantly judging yourself based on the actions of others. Set and achieve your own goals, and get inspired by other’s accomplishments—not jealous.

9. Avoiding challenges. With challenge comes a chance at growth and improvement. Constantly avoiding things on the job that push you to new levels will likely drag you down. You don’t want to be the mediocre employee, do you? Seek out ways to challenge yourself and reach even higher for both you and your organization’s goals.

10. Thinking small. Stop letting details rule your life. By focusing on the big picture you’ll be able to put your projects, goals, and challenges in a new light. Avoiding this type of thinking also helps you nix micromanaging and perfectionism, two things that can be very damaging as a leader.

Breaking your bad habits at work won’t happen overnight. Focus on improving every day and you’ll get there.

What’s one workplace habit you’re trying to kick?


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